Thursday, September 21, 2023

Shirt Runner-up

And then there was enough fabric left to make a short sleeve shirt, too!

It's once again a modified Burda7831, so there's not a lot to say about it.

I rounded off the collar points--probably could have made them more dramatic, but that would have required a bit more planning than what actually happened.  This is still cute.

This may be the first time I've used the Burda's actual sleeve pattern piece, although I ignores the elastic placement and turned the edge under ¼"/6mm, then up 1"/25mm to form a casing for ¾"/18mm elastic.

I wanted to use larger buttons than on the previous shirt, and was happy to find a set of five in my button stash that fit the aesthetic ideals I had for his shirt.  The process of sewing the buttons on by machine went much more smoothly than in the previous shirt--I had reloaded the bobbin, and I wonder if, somehow, that's what solved the problem.

I'm still very happy I started connecting the dart dots to give me definite lines to sew over, even if it does mean there are tailor's chalk lines all over the insides of my shirts for a while.

And it's done!

There's still enough of this fabric left that it will probably show up in doll clothes and patchwork in the future.

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