Thursday, June 25, 2020

Lots of little sewing

This post is mostly a record of what sewing I've sewn--I mean, this entire blog is a record of what I've sewn, but I usually, y'know...details.  This is more just to show that I have been surfacing from the general malaise and felt inclined to create again.


In early May, I poked through my stash of cloth for doll purposes and grabbed a bunch of pieces that had very small amounts left.  Most of them were pieces from other people (thank you!) that came to my stash in odd little bits, and I had absolutely no plans for any of them--I just wanted to use 'em up.

Every few years I do this--take the fabric that I have bits of but that doesn't directly inspire me and make whatever I can from them, and I usually end up with decent basic pieces.  I haven't dressed any dolls in most of these bits yet, so I'm not sure if they are "decent basic pieces," but...they're pieces that do exist and can be put on dolls, so that's something.

I started by cutting things out randomly over the course of weeks, with no desire to sew them and no idea if the desire would ever be there, and in early June I ended up with this pile of future projects

I tried to group the pieces so I could use the same thread for a lot of them, so I could sew one right after the other.  (I didn't think about batch sewing until the last few pieces.)

And then eventually I thought, oh, I'll sew one, just to get it started, and then I wanted to sew another, just to move things along, and then I was sewing for the fun of it and by June 17 I had this

So yeah!  I sewed doll stuff.

And then I turned to several existing skirts I have that I realized I could make bodices for and turn into dresses fairly easily, picked out the cloth to make the bodices, and then had my brain say "No!  It's reroot time!" which...if you've ever rerooted a doll, either it's something you like and can do whenever you want, or else it's something you generally dread and can only do when motivation strikes.  I'm the latter.  This mood carried me easily through one complete reroot, one partial reroot, and into another complete reroot before the mood faded.  I still finished that one (battle of what's worse: reroots or incomplete projects? hmm) and I'm going to post a picture here because the way I reroot uses an anchor thread so it's kinda like sewing

I need to dress these gals, as well as whoever else seems suitable to the clothes I made (plus some clothes other people made that were generously sent by a doll person I've known a while, thanks again), then, maybe? sew for me again.