Saturday, January 29, 2022

The Kid Is Still Growing

I made a coat for the kiddo in the summer of 2020, right before he started virtual school in the autumn of 2020, and he hadn't needed a coat since then...until...I checked the forecast and saw that it would be below freezing the morning of his booster shot.  So!  I ended up with a day to make something.

I didn't think I'd have time to make a nice coat, but I wanted to at least make something to wear as another layer over the hoodie he already had (which...his arms are a bit long for that, now, too.)

So I grabbed a fabric I had thrifted, when I was looking for fabric to make the replacement hoodie linked above, and threw this together--including cutting the pieces--yesterday.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Quick Plaid Print Skirt

 When I was considering my options for that printed glen plaid, my first thought had been a bias-cut A-line skirt, but the test fit shorts won.


There was enough left for a bias-cut A-line skirt, as long as I didn't worry about pattern matching.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

75% Wrong Shorts

 I don't like wearing white...or brown...and I don't like the idea of printed plaid on wovens in general, as much as I do love plaid.

But I do love plaid.

I'd had some "almost black but nope look closer! it's dark brown" and white sturdy cotton printed glen plaid for ages.  It had been set aside to be donated, but I decided to keep it and make an effort to use it.  I thought maybe I'd make a bias-cut A-line skirt but decided instead to use this not-quite-my-style fabric to make a test version of Butterick 4703 in a non-stretch fabric to see how it fits.

I know I could have been a lot more casual in how I cut and constructed this, but...I wasn't.  So!  Pattern matching it is!

Friday, January 21, 2022

Leftovers Shirt

After making the shirt in the previous post and the Over The Hill shirt, I still had sizable chunks of each fabric left--not enough of either to make an individual shirt, but maybe if I combined them?

So I used New Look 6068 with hacked sleeves again and made this

It's a shirt alright!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

White Out

 I thrifted this very nice and Very Early 1990s cotton interlock knit a few years ago, despite it being mostly white.  I don't wear a lot of white, because I am...accident prone.


I wanted another long sleeve knit shirt, and this is a fun print, so why not.

I got New Look 6068 and used Stretch & Sew F832 as a guide for the longer sleeves, along with a bit of ribbing salvaged from a mass-produced t-shirt, and ended up with this

Monday, January 17, 2022

Hat Trick

 I was not able to pattern match this one, but the fact that I was able to eke another project out of what was left of the blue plaid wool still makes me happy.

It's another Timber Lane Press Kaleidoscope Cap!

This is my fourth time making this hat, and I'm still following the directions (mostly--you know I'm machine stitching the lining closed instead of slip stitching), so there was nothing unexpected.

Since pattern matching wasn't possible, it was really fast to sew, and I didn't worry about how precisely the points came together, either.

That little white bit came out of the cloth easily.  There were a lot of inclusions in this fabric. I guess the sheep lived it up.

No surprise in the lining choice.  There's still a lot of it left, even if the wool is down to scraps that don't have any obvious uses.

So!  This has been fun, but I'm happy to move on to other projects now!

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Blue Plaid Mini

 After finishing the blue plaid moto jacket, I had a sizable chunk of fabric left.  And since I had managed to squeeze a skirt out of the fabric left over from the previous wool jacket, I thought I'd try it again.

I wasn't optimistic, since it would not only be attempting to get maximum length out of minimum yardage, but it would also need pattern matching at the side seams.  I procrastinated a few days before laying things out to check, whereupon I was nicely surprised, and now I have a skirt.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Blue Plaid Moto

 Finally making Burda 6800 again.  I've made it once before, in early 2020, so I figured this time I'd go ahead and use one of the fabrics I'd been saving for it.

This time I traced off size 14 (including the lapel modification) and figured out what I did wrong with the lining last time, because I did it again this time!

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

And a Skirt Revisited

 Years ago, I thrifted a super cheap wool skirt only to later realize that it had many moth holes.

My remedy was to connect the holes--and many more points--with satin stitches and make a spiderweb skirt

I liked the skirt a lot!  And it's one of the things I reluctantly let go when I gained weight.


After I finished the last project, I had enough of that boiled wool blend left to just barely eke out a miniskirt.

And I knew a black miniskirt was something I had actually wanted for my wardrobe.

And I knew it would be easy to make.

But I didn't wanna.

However, dawdling so long gave me enough time to realize: oh!  I can sew a satin stitch spiderweb on this skirt!  And before sewing it together, so it'll be easier!


 And it was! (as far as I can remember)