Thursday, August 25, 2016

Late August Thrift Cloth

So I've been putting little videos on YouTube with the intention of documenting doll things I've found and done, but, when it comes to reporting thrift finds, I can't help but want to show off the sewy stuff I find, too, and I brought home a nice handful of cloth this week, most of which were featured in the latest video (that still is such a weird thing to think about in reference to me.)  But, since me waving cloth around in a video isn't the best way to show off the cloth, and since anyone who might be here for the sewing, with no interest in the dolls, probably would like to see the cloth without enduring the dolly natter, I'm posting pictures of the cloth here.

Starting, as shouldn't be surprising given the directions my brain goes, with cloth that's not in the video at all.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Just a little thrift

Ventured to the out-of-the-way Goodwill yesterday, was confronted with a bin full of 49¢ patterns, managed to constrain myself to only four.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

House Blouse

One of the patterns in that recent gigantic grab bag'o'patterns was McCall's 7956, a 1982 Laura Ashley shirt and jumper pattern.  Now, the, it's not a thing I would wear, but the shirt looked intriguing, so I chose a print that Laura Ashley would very probably not have chosen and got started