Friday, December 29, 2023

Seasonally Inappropriate

I have a few projects I want to changer the serger thread to make, but I don't actually want to deal with changing the serger thread yet, so I went with another project that could get away with white overlocking.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Wool Slip Fix Skirt Hack

So, in April, I made a wool bias slip dress that...did not go well.  A few weeks later, I fixed the problems.  Not blogged: finding that I hadn't managed to avoid all the moth holes, and clumsily mending one on the upper back.  Yeah, I didn't wear it much.

I finally decided I would go ahead and turn it into a skirt, but it took me days between making that decision, making the decision on how I'd do it, making the cuts to do it, and then actually doing it.

But I did do it!

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

More Little Sewing

 I have been working on doll dresses--this is the batch I could sew with the thread in the machine(s)

I'm going to have to buckle down and change the serger thread sometime...

Friday, December 8, 2023

Chintz Babydoll

Another try at adapting Fake Burda 6401 to have a Fake McCall's 8197 variation (again, I do have McCall's 8197, I just disagree with some of its design decisions and wanted something with a similar look but different construction/shapes.)  I feel like this is where I want it!

...although this particular dress may be a bit too pretty for me...

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Green Madras Babydoll

Years ago, I thrifted several yards of a green/cyan/beige cotton madras.  There was enough that I had considered making a suit for the kiddo, but his style (and leg length) no longer work with that idea, so I decided to use it for the idea mentioned a few posts ago, of making a variation of my fake Burda 6401 that would be somewhat of a fake McCall's 8197 (which I have, but I am irritated by its scooped back and lack of interfacing.)

The main difference between 6401 and 8197, when viewed from the front, is that 8197's neckline is significantly more scooped, and the waistline is higher.  The first attempt at the pattern variation was a bit too scooped in the neck and high in the waist.  At least I figured that out before attaching the skirt, so I only hassled with removing (and re-using) the sleeves.

The neckline is no longer bra-revealingly low, but the waistline could maybe go up a bit more if I really want to emulate 8197's lines...which...maybe, maybe not.  This still definitely works.