Friday, April 26, 2019

Shrek Shirt

Happenstance found a "terrible in the way that only older screen printed fabric renderings of people can be" bit of woven Shrek yardage in a thrift store.  I didn't buy it, and I mentioned to the kiddo that evening.  He has never seen any of the Shrek movies, but, as a ten year old in 2019, he's all about the memes, so after confirming that he would indeed like to have something sewn from it--even without seeing it--I went back for it the next day.

There was just over a yard, I believe--definitely not enough to make a regular button-up shirt, since it was also absolutely directional.  Also, I wasn't sure if I wanted to put "button up shirt effort" into what might very be a phase that had passed by the time I finally made it?  So I pondered several possibilities for how to make a woven pull-over shirt and finally settled on fusing the general shape of Burda 9419 with the placket insert of Simplicity 1286

I looked at loads of instructions online for how to create and sew partial placket pieces, but my brain completely refused to understand what it was being shown, so I was very happy to rediscover this thrifted Simplicity pattern, which had been shuffled deep into the 'kid' pattern stash because the kiddo is too big for the kid sizes in this, yet still too small for the smallest adult size it offers.  Which, of course, didn't matter when all I needed was the placket guidance.

And a few weekends ago I finally got into working on it, and here it is!


Thursday, April 11, 2019


I made another dress with the triplet of patterns mashed together for the last post
only this time, instead of three prints clearly separated, I made it patchwork