Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Cool Cat

Another pair of Obnoxious Shorts™ for the kiddo!

I let him pick out several prints at JoAnn in the beginning of the summer, and I'm slowly making things from them--first the cash shirt, now...this

Yes, another Kwik Sew 2544--it goes up to kid size 14, so we should have a few more years of use out of it.  For now, I can still squeeze a pair of long shorts (longer than the pattern expects) out of  one yard of a directional print.

 This print has a wide selvedge, and there's a bit of it visible on this pocket, although the other side
is fine.  Relatively.  I didn't have enough cloth to be able to be in any way selective about what cat landed where, so there's this really close repeat here.  (This is why I like to pattern match across center front seams when at all possible, just to avoid repeats like this.)  I folded a bit of width out of the pockets to get them to fit on the bits of cloth they were cut from, too.

Fortunately the print on either side of the fake fly front is not as annoying

There's one cat with a purple collar, so I decided to use purple thread.  Why not?

The same cat ended up accidentally almost pattern matching on one part of the back seam curve, too

so she's definitely the star.

The cuffs were serged--just to give me a reference for depth--and turned twice before being stitched

I thought they looked a bit long on him, but he didn't say anything,and they'll probably seem significantly shorter by the end of the school year.
(This was the only picture that wasn't a blur of movement.)  He has several shirts with realistic cat prints, so he should be able to get a lot of use out of these shorts!

(And I have a small amount of the cat print left...which is probably going to become some bit of alarmingly loud doll clothes, because that's what I do...)

Monday, August 20, 2018


Another doll pattern! (I did sew a Human Size Thing, which the kiddo is wearing to school today, will try to get a photo of him wearing it when he's home)

The hat in the picture was made without interfacing, mainly to prove to myself that it could be.  I've always used interfacing in these before.  Some examples:

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Tiny Dolly Swirly Skirty

It only took me a few iterations to get the swirl just right--lots of tutorials around for making hugely twirly flouncy swirl skirts, but not so much for this more restrained A-line shape.

 That means this version is all about the print mixing, which...I've mentioned I love, yes?  Because you can put a lot of thought into it or you can grab stuff completely randomly and either way it's fine, because I firmly believe "If you sew it together, it goes together."  Humans are so good at finding patterns that our brains will make connections anyway...

(and the next Human Size sewing project is being planned.)