Sunday, September 13, 2015

Angry Bag

I made the Angry Birds storage bag today--not as involved as the Terraria bag, and also conveniently emblazoned with an Angry Birds print, so no inclination to improvisational appliqué.

That didn't keep me from doing it entirely simply, of course.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Square bag for a square game

Well, Terraria isn't as overwhelmingly square as Minecraft,


I made another bag.
I can hear the music now (I mean, not just because it's playing on a computer in the next room.)

Monday, September 7, 2015

There are sewing bloggers who make beautiful purses. I am not one of them.

I didn't even realize I was going to make a purse this weekend.  I just stumbled across a set of prints I'd forgotten about wanting to combine and decided I would Do Something with them right away.

The first impulse was to sew a skirt--of course it was.  It always is.  Which means I have...several...mixed print skirts.  So maybe not a skirt this time.

"Y'know," said that voice of ill-conceived impulses, "You haven't made any purses for a while..."  And I hadn't--checking file dates on photos, it was 2011, and it was this one
made during my PIPING I CAN DO PIPING phase.  Also before the whole "Hmm, I might very well be goth, huh" thing.

As with the few purses I'd made before, there had been a lot of planning and measuring and consideration for exactly what things I would be carrying in this purse.

The purse I just finished...not so much.