Friday, March 28, 2014

Sewed some stuff for my own doll

I've been working through that stack of 4" calico squares I thrifted last month, mostly making Blythe dresses (because, at the moment, I feel like mixing prints is more a Blythe thing than a Monster High thing, but you know that attitude can change.)  But when I got to this set of prints I'd decided coordinated, it felt more like they should go into a shirt for slightly larger dolls.  And then I needed to make a skirt to go with that...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Uh...yeah.  Had more things to mail today, decided to go to the post office in the other direction, which is near the library...and another Goodwill store...
The heart print, at $1.99 for 1½ yards, was a splurge (well, for me it was.)  Look at it, though.  Make jokes about how hypnotic it is.  It's a bit heavy for cotton broadcloth; we'll see how it feels after being washed.  If it still seems heavy, it has a high chance of becoming an A-line skirt, while, if it softens a lot, it may become an eye-searing shirt. *suppresses a cackle*  The green print was color-of-the-week, so marked down from $1.99 to 99¢.  It's cottony (I'm not sure if I'm fooling myself into thinking it feels like a cotton-ramie blend), 35" wide, and almost 3 yards.  I feel its destiny should also be a shirt, at least for Ken or MH guys.  For human-size stuff?  We may never know...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Oh, hey, more thriftstore cloth...

I have long had a weakness for wax print cloth...and Mid Century Modern, when they seem to come together, and in 5 yards of 45" cotton for $3.99...
Yeah, I'll buy it.

And the kiddo really liked this (1¼ yard 45" cotton), although he wants to use it as a map, not have anything made from it.
That's OK!  I already have a stack of prints he has picked out for shirts...

I really will sew something to share here, someday.  Look, I managed to sew a buncha doll clothes over the weekend:
I'd like to get at least a month of doll clothes sewn in advance before doing human-size stuff.  We'll see how those plans go...

Andrea's #1 Rule for Mixing Prints

If you sew them together, they go together.

(I have more complicated personal guidelines for choosing which prints I think coordinate well, which I might go into at some point, but, the above is the ultimate rule for me.)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I'll sew something, eventually

In the meantime, I'll keep sporadically finding yard goods at Goodwill.

Like this:

Here's a more artistic view

I decided it was worth the splurge and paid a whole $2.99 for what ended up being 4 yards of 35"--definitely feels cotton-rich, might be 100% cotton with the polyester-y feel coming from the heaviness of the screen printing.  I initially thought it was a modern print with retro style, but the 35" width and the fact that the ends are  ripped instead of cut make me wonder if it might be honestly older.  It's in beautiful shape if it is.  There's no information on the selvedges.

I'll probably use most of it to make something for me, but the print's a good size to use for doll clothes, too...

And I finally finished repainting some dolls, so I was then finally able to clean the paint supplies off of my sewing table--like so:
...sooooo I have fewer excuses to not sew now.  And I did sew one doll dress yesterday!  I to sew more...