Monday, December 19, 2016

Periwinkle and red

So I thrifted a few yards of a...sorta...dusty periwinkle heavy knit, and decided I'd use some of it to make a hoodie for the kiddo, once again using Burda 9672

(yes, I know, the separating-zipper view is not the hooded view.  Minor quibble.)

 The only separating zippers in the appropriate length I had were white, gray, and bright red.  I couldn't decide between the white or gray, so I showed all of the options to the kiddo and let him decide.

He chose the red zipper.



I'm sure he would have had no problem with a purely periwinkle hoodie with a red zipper, but my brain demanded that something else be done so the red zipper would 'make sense'...somehow.

Ah, but, I had about a half yard of a red double jersey knit!  As to what I did with it...

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


I like making patchwork...but generally only in the spirit of "use up this cloth you already have and probably won't use any other way."  This does extend to the tub full of scraps left over from other projects, of course...but...since most of my 'other projects' are 'making doll clothes,' which can use some rather small bits anyway, my scraps can be...small.

This still doesn't keep me from filling up a 53 gallon storage tub.

OK, actually, no--this is the scrap tub after scrounging through it enough to assemble (most of) a (roughly) 37" x 47" panel, plus four more 10" square patches.  I put it all together with some vaguely-coordinating cloth I thrifted in the form of a roll end cut-off (just visible in the lower left of the tub photo.)

And it looks like this (57" x 67")

...yeah, yeah, I go into projects like this with the expectation that there won't be enough of anything to make good proper patchwork blocks, with traditional designs, so I just...start sewing' stuff together.  Then I realize I could get into the "doll cloth" dresser and pull out larger pieces left over from other projects, which means I probably could have made proper patchwork patches, but...too late, la la...

I have an old sheet to use for the backing, but no batting and no real inclination to get it all put together, so it's folded up and put in the top of the cloth closet with the other patchwork blanket tops I've made and also have no idea when or if they'll ever be finished...

Arachnoleopard Cheer

A few months ago (what?  longer than "a few"?  surely not...) I posted this picture
with the note that I would post more about it later, after I gave it to the person for whom I (surprise!) made it.

...which I did a few months ago...  And now I'm remembering to make a post about it--the year's not done yet.