Tuesday, November 10, 2015

I remember this place...


The kiddo had decided to be a pirate for Halloween, so I grabbed good ol' McCall's 8701 and asked him what colors, and he eventually declared that he wanted it to be Mo Willems Pigeon colors.  It didn't take long looking through my stash to find appropriate fabric.  It took longer to motivate myself to actually sew the stuff--although my speed and willingness did increase when I realized that, no, really, I didn't need to create a lining for the coat.  Everything went together quickly, once started.

Then not only did it rain all of Halloween (and the night after that), but the kiddo was also sick.


He says he'll wear it next year, and it will probably still fit, but, for now, here's a picture of everything on the floor

Yes, that's vinyl.  Outer Space Pirate had come up in conversation at some point, and I have lots of this periwinkley pleather, so, enh, why not.  The shirt is a variation on McCall's 5675 (which I always forget how easy it is to make until I make it, then I think "Ooh, I should make a million more of these!" and never do.)

The only other real note (besides Hooray for leather and vinyl sewing machine needles) is Hooray for presser feet that hold buttons so they can be machine sewn.  Hooray.

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