Wednesday, January 6, 2021

They're not pajamas if they have pockets, right? right?

The kiddo has a dentist appointment soon.  Like...tomorrow.  And the only pair of pants he has that fits is this pair of sweatpants of dubious style I made for him a month ago.  Which is what he wore to the dentist appointment last week. (That was the regular check up. He has some baby teeth that should have fallen out a while ago, so he's going back to get those taken care of.)  I have suddenly gotten self-conscious and absolutely can't have him wear the Same Weird Pants to the dentist again. (especially since the rest of his outfit was the coordinating cat print stew shirt and the hoodie jacket made from the same fabric as most of the pants.  So.  It was A Look.)

Yesterday I grabbed Kwik•Sew 1650 and some strangely dense, but relatively muted, thrift store woven yardage (may or may not include synthetic fibers), with the intent to sew the pants very quickly today.  Which, I did, but a lot of the sewing happened during the very concerning events of the day.  But, dentist appointments go on, and there was no way I was going to a store to buy pants that fit him, so I sewed while history was being made (derogatory)

Iron it?  Why would I do that?

I'm sure it'll be fine once it comes out of the dryer.


Unlike the last time I used this pattern, I did include the pockets in this version.  I folded some strips of the knit used for the waistband and cuffs to act as a contrast at the pocket edges.

and took the opportunity to top stitch along the pocket edges, and nowhere else.

The cuff diameter does not exceed the pants leg diameter nearly as much as the shirt cuffs and waistband do in the same pattern, so those went in almost painlessly.

(Edit: he says the cuffs are a bit uncomfortably small, but I told him there's a good chance they'll stretch and feel fine later. I thought the knit was stretchy enough, since it stretched to fit the leg easily, but...maybe not.)

The back is unimpressive


this length of fabric apparently has a longitudinal flaw that I had not noticed before, and it manifests on the back of the right leg


I have about a yard and a half left of this 60" cloth, and I had a plan to make a drastically understated simple dress for me from it, but, between that lengthwise flaw and a just-discovered crosswise fold fade, I will have to work strategically...which could easily lead to me saying 'nah' to the whole project. (It's OK--I have infinite other projects I want to work on.)

I did serge all of the seam allowances (the tiny vintage Kwik•Sew seam allowances) inside, including where the knit meets the woven.  My slapdash sewing means I have multiple colors of thread in my serger, and it happens that it ended up black-thread-up on the black knit bits.

If it had been entirely knit, I may not have bothered with finishing the seam allowances.  But it wasn't, so I did. 

I have not asked him to try the pants on yet, so it might turn out to have been a very bad idea to make this pattern in a woven, but, even if they're uncomfortable, they should be good enough for dentist time.

I hope.

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