Thursday, May 22, 2014

Oh, wait. Sewing. Yes, yes, sewing.

I made enough doll dresses for Etsy to set myself up for two weeks to sew whatever I wanted, and I...didn't want to sew much of anything.  That's not saying I didn't sew anything, I just...didn'

First thing I sewed was this bag as a quick gift for Retrograde Works when she came over last weekend

The embroidered motifs on the bag are bugs'n'lizards'n'frogs, better image here.  I didn't interface the bag in any way, so it's super floppy, but it works (it's really a giant zippered bag + straps.)  Everything used was from my stash.

Today was the kiddo's last day of pre-K speech therapy, so last night I made this little zippered bag for his teacher

Again, everything from my stash--can you call such small projects "stash busters"?

...especially when the amount of cloth I bought during that two week period was...ah...not-so-small...?

I got these four on the same day from two different Goodwill stores
The B&W floral is 2 7/8 yard of 45" cotton broadcloth, the purple dot is 2 yards of 45" cotton broadcloth, the dark aubergine faille is 2 3/4 yards of 60", and the "badly photocopied" tropical is 1 1/2 yards of 45" cotton with a slight fake lining texture.  $8 total.

I visited one of those Goodwills again a  few days later and found this

2 1/4 yards of 45" cotton broadcloth from Key West Fabrics by Zuzek--famous for making the prints favored by Lily Pulitzer (which I admittedly didn't know until I got home and started researching the information on the selvedge.)  $1.99 and I almost didn't buy it, because I generally do not like when outlines are printed paler than the background color, but I could tell that this cloth was...well, it was nicer than the things generally sold in places like JoAnn Fabric...  Plus, that moth!

And then I sewed two dresses for my own dolls today

Both use the bodice pattern I've been working on, in the Fashionista size.  Neither of these dolls uses a Fashionista body (one has a Dynamite Girls body, the other has a Liv body), but the bodices fit both torsos very well, so I'm happy.

Now, I really should spend some time sewing ahead for Etsy again before sewing stuff for other least...thinking of sewing stuff for other purposes...

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