Saturday, February 1, 2014

First thrifted cloth of the New Year (either New Year)

Today is Half Off Saturday at the local Goodwill stores, and we hit two quickly this morning, finding a few pieces of cloth at the first:
At the top is some lightweight denim, about a yard and a half of 44", with scattered embroidered bugs'n'lizards'n'frogs.  The Child looked at it and said, "No, thank you," but he was pretty obviously feeling Lego Star Wars video game withdrawal at that point, so I don't know if he really actually doesn't want anything made from it or not.  That's OK, I have ideas for it that don't involve him, heh--looking at it now, I realize the space between the embroidered motifs is big enough that I can probably make A-line doll dresses with one critter each.

Next is some lightweight fine wale corduroy with a nice rose print, 2 yards of 44"--not sure what I can make from it, because 2 yards of a napped fabric has built-in limitations.  Has anyone else made anything from super light weight fine wale corduroy?  It seems too light for a skirt, but maybe too heavy for a shirt...or not?  (And, of course, it's accumulating cat hair already...)

The last piece is more or less a quarter yard, although cut along one edge (you can see the selvedge.)  It's cotton, and definitely going to be used for doll clothes.  There's some gold in the print, too!

I paid $3 for all of this.  Yeah, I may be kinda addicted to thrifting yardgoods...

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