Thursday, May 11, 2023


Just a note to my future self (because I don't expect anyone else to read this) that there will have been relatively few sewing projects this month, because the friend and I are planning to go to the craft re-use thrift store at the end of the month, and I have been poking into every closet, storage room, box, drawer, shelf, and anyplace else where craft-related things may be stored and ignored or forgotten (boughten and forgotten?), looking for things to donate, and I plan to go back through all of those storage spots a few more times before we go.  There's a growing pile of boxes and bags in a basement corner, and I hope everything will fit into the friend's Prius.  (There's another, slightly smaller, stack of boxes and bags to give the friend--I expect those will have to wait until we return to have enough space in the car, too...)

Of course there are still many things I actively want to sew, and there will always be more things to sew beyond that.  But.  Right now? The desire to downsize is stronger.  So, that's getting all the excitement and attention (and also has a deadline, so there will be a point where I can switch back to regular procrastination about sewing.)

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