Thursday, January 16, 2020

The zipper is too heavy, I know

An aluminum zipper probably would have been the perfect weight, and, if I had done something as out-of-character as plan this project, I could easily have added a long aluminum zipper to the WAWAK order I had placed the day before I started working on this.  But I hadn't, so I didn't, and here we are, with a heavy nickel-plated zipper on a superlightweight jacket

 I'm still considering it a success, though.

The base pattern is once again New Look 6766
with a zipper replacing the center front seam, and pockets in the side seams.  This time, I also omitted the lower band and the sleeve bands, and I also made the sleeves a lot narrower.

Every* raw edge on the outside got finished with a strip of fabric folded in half, seamed to the edge, then folded to he inside and top stitched several times. *except for the hem, because I hadn't thought of doing that anyplace but inside the zipper when I made the first folds for the hem when sewing the zipper...

 I did edge stitch and top stitch along the raglan seams, too, but there're only three layers of fabric there, so the stitches aren't as obvious as they are on the areas that have...uh...six layers (more where they intersect other seams, like the neck seam with its folded layer of raw edge obscuration.)

A sheer pocket is still a pocket

I had hoped that the many layers of fabric around the zipper would help stabilize things, but, nope.  A strip of interfacing would probably have helped, without being visible, in retrospect.  I'm hoping the waviness of the zipper will be less obvious when it's being worn on my equally wavy body.

I may or may not think this is Cyberpunk Jedi Style

Not too long ago, I would never have considered wearing anything as casual as a hoodie myself, but, now, honestly...a hood is as good away as any to finish a neckline.
(yes, I see the cat hair.)

The fabric is...slightly odd?  It was a mill end precut knit from Walmart, with a dusted silvery print...but...on the purl side?  Which I always think of as the back of a knit, but here we are.

And, yes, fairly sheer.  When I started cutting this out, it was alarmingly warm, for January, so the idea of a light jacket seemed good, but, then, the temperature dropped down to a bit closer to where it should be, and the idea of a light jacket seemed not so good.  I finished it anyway.  (uh...obviously.)

The last hoodie I made for me from this same general pattern, I lined the hood, and with a more substantial fabric than the rest of the jacket**, and it's very prone to wandering off of my shoulder due to the weight of that hood.  So!  with this single-layer lightweight hood and the too-heavy zipper, that shouldn't be a problem with this jacket, whenever I do get a chance to wear it.  **that rest-of-the-jacket fabric also pilled up nastily within a month of starting to wear it; my current plan is to salvage the zipper out of it at the end of the season and trash the rest.  I know you can shave the pills, but I'm not sure how much of the fabric would be left...  This hasn't stopped me from wearing it, if only because I took the time to make it to begin with.

 I can't remember if this fabric precut was three or four yards--either way, there will be more of it sewn soon never mind, it turned out not to be stretchy enough t work well with my leggings pattern, and the shirt (for layering) I cut from the weird pieces left is not inspiring me to finish now, or ever, maybe.  We'll see. 

Edit: I removed the zipper on June 13, 2022

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