Saturday, May 6, 2017

More cat sewing

Although, this time, it's not sewing a cat as much as it's sewing with cat print cloth.

This cloth, from Seikodo's Barcode Cats range (which I figured out by searching on the selvedge information) (And, yes, that cat has a flip phone--there's a 2006 copyright date on that selvedge, too.)

I thrifted it in December, cut it out about a month ago (when everybody in the house was sick, yay) and sewed it today--which is a pretty fast purchase-to-finished-item turnaround for me...

I decided I would make a shirt, and I really wanted to use my old much-modified New Look 6217. but was vexed by the fact that the heavy modifications on it were made...ah...back when I had a pre-mom body.  The last shirt or two (or more) I made with the pattern as-is are shirts that only fit me sometimes.  I did try a different shirt pattern that I didn't like at all, and I have since thrifted another shirt pattern that I can cut in my proper size, but, when I cut this out, I settled for creating a completely new front pattern piece.  The result fits across the bust better than the previous version, which only serves to highlight problems that had gone unnoticed before...

It's still wearable, though!

And of course I did pattern matching across the front opening...even though I'm out of practice and keyed across the wrong part and had to re-cut one of the pieces, which led to things getting creative later, as there wasn't a whole lotta yardage to work with...

And also 'of course' I topstitched a lot and set in the sleeves using the method shared by Male Pattern Boldness.  Another thing I did with the sleeves that I can't remember if I've mentioned here before: I press the hems before the sleeves are in any way stitched.  This means I don't have to try to press them after they're attached to the bodice, a process I've always found to be...awkward...

Overall, this went together very easily and I have a few pieces of cloth in a stack that I hope to sew into more easy projects soon.  Really.

1 comment:

  1. It looks great-wish I could take sewing lessons from you
