Saturday, August 16, 2014

Stopping by with some more cloth

Popped into a Goodwill quickly yesterday, convinced myself to get these
Yardages and detail pics under the cut.

I can usually resist "pretty" and "beige," but this cotton really appealed to me.  2 yards, 45", $1.99.  Some of it will become doll clothes, most of it will become, someday, something for me to wear.  Maybe.

This is...just...  Well.  Definitely not my usual colors (that's what I tell myself, at least), but still very appealing. And a loud bold--those are 2½" squares.   It's cotton, 45" wide, and almost 3 yards.  I'm fairly positive it's vintage, too--it definitely smells vintage... (You can't tell me I'm the only person who smells thrifted cloth.)

The banners say Honesta Quam Magna, which translates to "How great are honorable deeds."  A bit of research links that to the family name Walker...which is not a family name I've ever had,'s close...

Gray wool (or wool blend) twill, 60" wide by 38" long, $1.99.  I'd almost bought this a few days earlier, but reasoned that I already had that 8 yards of gray wool...but...that other wool is a coarser weave than this, soooo...  The idea, for now, is to make a simple A-line skirt from it; we'll see if I change my mind.

I have been sewing since my last post here!  Just...doll clothes, mostly for Etsy.  Initially it was with great enthusiasm because I found out about Miro Doll, a place to get inexpensive BJDs (and in skin tones like GREEN or DARK PINKY PURPLE or SKY BLUE), but, then the interior AC/heat pump unit we had replaced a few months ago managed to vibrate off its support and start dumping water onto the ceiling below, so havta pay for real world repair stuff before thinking about my third go-around with 60cm BJDs...)  ((Oh, and, the damage happened in The Child's bedroom, and, since we moved everything out of there, we've decided to swap my sewing/doll stuff into that room, and The Child's stuff into this room.  That room does not have the gloriously huge closet that this room has, which at first made me a bit sad because I like being able to more or less use it like a very small room attached to this room, BUT, when I realized we could put all the toys The Child currently isn't playing with into this closet instead of on exposed shelves as they were in his old room...yeah, I can live without the extra few square feet of storage...  Plus, the other room is on the south side of the house, so, unlike this room, it gets more than 10 minutes of direct sunlight at sunrise each day.  Bright natural light is good.)) (((Yes, I just rambled more about Life Stuff than about sewing.  Sorry.)))

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