Thursday, April 11, 2019


I made another dress with the triplet of patterns mashed together for the last post
only this time, instead of three prints clearly separated, I made it patchwork

Several of the prints are from the Doll  Person's Destash, one print is from a different doll person.  The daisy print was thrifted, and the rows-of-dots was something picked out by the kiddo back when I was sewing button-up shirts for him that could easily be made with a single yard of 45" cloth.  His shirts need more cloth now, and his tastes have changed, so I don't think he minds that I used that print for this.

(And now I see where rotating the image left some weirdness on one edge--I'm acknowledging it, but I'm not fixing it--these photos waited two days to get edited, so working on them more is not gonna happen with any speed.  We can thank seasonal allergies for that.)

I did balk at using so much brown, since I actively stopped wearing brown years ago, but I think the colors in the other prints, and how well they harmonize, manage to override the brownness, so it's OK.

The accents colors in the brown prints are really nice, too.

I remembered the low pocket placement in the last dress and moved the pockets up in this one--I didn't do anything as radical as measuring, of course.
They ended up at a nice level.  I made the pocket bags from a random other print  because I used up just about all of the prints that appear in the patchwork, and, although I know it doesn't matter, I am a bit irked that the pocket bags don't coordinate that well.  I have to keep reminding myself that, if I had another print that worked so well with the rest of the prints, then that print too would have been used on the actual dress, leaving me still needing something for the pockets.

Edge stitching everywhere, as usual, including along the edges of the patchwork because I have the (probably misplaced) idea that less ironing will be needed if every seam allowance is stitched down.
I mean, I didn't iron any of it when I was sewing it, so...

I didn't pay complete attention when preparing the patchwork pieces, and I ended up with the edge of the pineapple print section on the front  having a cut in it that I didn't discover until after I'd sewed that piece to all the other pieces in the skirt.  I sewed on this patch with a bit of print on it that would have been a perfect pattern match if I'd taken a bit more time positioning it.  I did decide it would be worthwhile to swap to pink thread for that one bit.

As is my usual, there wasn't a lot of planning for this, but my impulse to make the back, sleeves, and facings from the rows-of-dots print worked out, and I only needed a bit of odd piecing to get the width of the skirt back right--and since the skirt is gathered A-line, it turned out that the small bits I was most unhappy with got cut off anyway.

And I like how it turned out, but I was mostly happy to just have it finished--assembling it took four days, which I know isn't really that bad, buuuuut the whole point of a dress like this is that it should be quick'n'easy.

Not that I'm really that good with quick'n'easy overall...

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