Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Back to Clothes (kinda)

A local Walmart remodeled, and had marked some of its mill-end precuts down in preparation.  I picked up a roll of a very loose (and very synthetic) off white and teal stripe knit, with pale gold metallic fibers, for 75¢

The only thing I wanted to make from it was cut and sewn tights, and I finally did that.


Because it didn't stretch quite as much as my pattern wanted, so I cut the legs off of my first attempt and made a new upper part, with some leg on it, to sew the cut-off legs to.  And the fabric I chose...also was not as stretchy as needed, so I re-cut that part with my leggings pattern.  It's not pretty, but the solid contrast will be hidden by skirts and the legs are no longer too short.

Then I thought I could eke out another pair, making the legs a few inches longer to compensate.  That also did not go well.  I ended up sewing the inseam higher, then sewing that now-short top part to the top part cut off of the first attempt pair.  Also not pretty, also never will be seen.

also still hard to photograph appealingly

Then I sewed the large remaining strip into a tube with cluny lace on the ends to make a scarf.


This already has so many picks in it...  It will be months before it's cool enough again to wear the tights or the scarf, so we'll see how long it takes, then, before they all become masses of picks and pulls.  I hope I can get my 75¢ + labor out of them.  At least this fabric is out of the stash now.

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