Tuesday, November 30, 2021

A Simple Project That Just Might Change Everything

 Well.  Maybe that's a bit dramatic.

But what it is is that I've sewn a pair of tights for the first time

And this could be a big thing for me, in terms of my decades long love of tights and in terms of an easy project to do with the variety of weird synthetic super stretchy knits offered by the Walmart mill end precut bins (of which this B&W stripe is one.)

I have a pair of readymade cut and sewn tights (feet and all) that I quickly traced, adding seam allowance by eye.  

I did take the time to align...enh...most of the stripes along the cuts, and therefore the seams.

It worked for the center front

and the inseams

and I keep telling myself the mismatch along the center back seam is what makes it the center back seam.

I figured elastic length by wrapping it snugly around my waist, no measuring.  I think there's enough room at the top of this pattern to make a proper elastic casing, but I sewed the elastic into a loop and then zigzagged it to the inside of the upper edge before folding it to the inside and zigzagging again.  That method is really hard to fix if something goes wrong, but it's my favorite way to apply elastic to an edge (when it doesn't go wrong.  This time, it didn't go wrong.)

I sewed the seams with a narrow zigzag, then went over it with the serger.  I could probably have sewn it entirely with the serger, but I just...don't trust them...

It seems to have worked!  I won't know until I've worn them for a day, and even if things go weird then, it could be a function of the fabric.  I have several more fabrics I want to try this in...

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