Monday, March 19, 2018


So I made a probably misguided (and probably, eventually, desperate) decision to sew through the pile of cloth from those last two thrift store fabric grab bags.  This is the source of the cloth for the border of the cat face quilt (and very likely will provide the back), the outside and inside of the Roblox bag, the dubiously tasteful flocked leopard cloth for the patch jacket, and this pair of pants I made for the kiddo yesterday
I've accepted the fact that pats are hard to photograph (and there's a Very Lovey Chippykitty on the desk right now, so typing is extra challenging--forgive any typos I don't catch.)  It's Kwik Sew 2544 again
with the same combination of most of view B with the faux fly of view A.  I tried making the legs a bit narrower, too.  I haven't yet convinced him to try the freshly-made pants on yet, though.

Even if they fit, I'm not sure if he'll accept them, because they're...double knit polyester.  With a fake twill texture to boot.
 (and lots of cat hair.)

I didn't even think of ironing this--my experience with pressing double knit polyester is that it's either scaldingly damp but otherwise unchanged, or it melts.  The lack of pressing was nothing that copious amounts of topstitching couldn't rectify.  Most of the topstitching was even called for in the pattern directions.
I did decide not to topstitch around the upper edge of the waistband (which, along with the pocket flaps, was interfaced with the tropical print used for the Roblox bag and seen in the background.)

I did order this thread specifically for this project--weird for me, yeah, but it's probably better that I have some dark-blue-no-it's-not-navy thread, anyway.  I wasn't so persnickety about the completely unnecessary (but aesthetically gratifying) serging inside
(hey.  cat hair.)

The part that suffered most from the refusal to iron was definitely the cargo pockets

(oh look more cat hair)  I probably should have sewn the center, below the fold, completely closed--I know my kid, there's never going to be anything in these pockets, they could be completely flat, there would be no problems.  Now, omitting them wasn't an option, because these already look dangerously close to school uniform pants I like the visual detail they add.

Instead of making button holes or hook and loop  tape closures, I just stitched down the edges of the flaps

Which worked out better than I thought it would.

Now, to see if he'll actually wear them...and...if so, there's a length of dark red double knit that could be empantsenated, too...

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