Friday, July 29, 2022


 My last monthly cycle is what ramped up my productivity earlier and then proceeded to destroy any further inclination to sew that I had.  For the last few days, I've been feeling more like I want to make something, but haven't been able to figure out what.

And I still haven't figured out what, but I have been finding fabrics that I can admit are good but not for me.  And, as I have been poking through my stash looking for anything else that can go, I rediscovered what may technically have been a huipil (from the friend's relative's destash), but a very hastily machine sewn and polyester lace and tiny amount of embroidery kind of maybe huipil.

So I cut off the lower pin tucked and lace inserted part and added a waistband

As a skirt, it's about calf length and not very full, but it gives an interesting silhouette.

And its hobby is collecting lint.

I'm not sure if I've ever had a skirt with a line of insert lace like this, because I was surprised by the way the see-through-ness isn't always visible as the skirt moves.

I may have made the waistband elastic a bit tight? But that plus the two channels means it's a very secure fit.  The fabric I used for the waistband doesn't quite match the skirt, but I've long thought that differences in texture can help obscure differences in black tones, and the waistband certainly has some texture now.  Might not be so textures when being worn, but it's fine.

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