Sunday, October 3, 2021

Scrap-filled Floor Pillow...ish

 So, I recently finally dealt with all the fabric that had been in plastic tubs in the garage since I made the effort to downsize and organize fabric in my stash after receiving all of the friend's relative's destash in 2019.  I donated the usable yardage, keeping some I decided maybe I would use after all, and had a large trashbag left of scraps of fabric that were not suitable for patchwork or small crafts, or that were Very Unpleasant Textures, and also a lot of pieces of clothing that had had parts cut off in unrepairable ways.

I do know that there are institutions that will recycle fabric, but, if there are any around here, their web presence does not make that obvious.  I was almost ready to just sigh and throw it all away...but...wait...

So I looked up floor pillows stuffed with fabric scraps and found that that is indeed a thing.  I shuffled through my fabric and found two small pieces of decorator weight Ikea fabric (that I think cane from two different people's destashes.)  I measured nothing, just started ripping things to what seemed to be good sizes.

A lot of the projects I'd looked at had piping, so after some waffling, I got one of the bias tapes I'd made randomly and filled it with textured acrylic yarn I'd thrifted, made 4-ply with the aid of a drill.  Family members gave me some odd looks while I was doing that.

I basted the piping to the edges of the top and bottom pieces

Inserted a lapped zipper so I wouldn't have to deal with stitching anything closed later

Assembled it and started stuffing

It needed more than the scraps I'd had in the trash bag, and will probably benefit from more stuffing in the future, but, hey, that should be easy enough with the zipper, right?

Yes, it's a big lumpy mess, but it's also just the right height to put your feet on when you're sitting on the couch

Husband says the weight means it'd probably be a good punching bag, too...

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