Friday, August 23, 2019

Sewed a Few Pieces of Doll Clothes

and they have been mailed off to the person with whom I'm trading. That's 30 items, added to the 20 I sewed and gave the person when she visited in July.  I had to give myself a number to aim for, or else I'd keep sewing doll clothes forever...

I also finished sewing a pile of clothes for a different doll friend's belated birthday package (it's only about two months late this year.  I seem to remember last year saying I'd start sewing the stuff sooner.  Yeah.  I should start sewing next year's stuff sometime before his next birthday actually happens...)  I didn't get a picture of those, though.

And now I can sew something besides doll clothes for a while!


  1. I love your stickers, the way we all personalise makes me smile. sam xxx

    1. Thanks, Sam! It's always fun covering things with stickers ^_^
