Saturday, May 11, 2019

Crawly Shorts

I'm not going to call them creepy crawlies, because I happen to like lizards and frogs and bugs and the like, as do many of my friends--I actually used a chunk of this embroidered lightweight denim to make a tote bag for a friend a few years ago.

And then the cloth sat in my stash, untouched, until the kiddo's school had a 'mismatched' dress up day planned, and we dug out this cloth with the intent of seeing if it could be made into a pair of pants.  Turns out there wasn't enough for that, and the school closed unexpectedly that week due to countywide illness.  So the cloth went back into the stash, but only temporarily, until I decided to make a pair of shorts from it, using good ol' Kwik Sew 2544.

And it turned out there wasn't enough to come anywhere near making pants, so hooray for shorts.

 You will not be surprised to learn that this fabric was thrifted, so I have no idea where it's from (but "JoAnn" wouldn't surprise me.)

And this was one of those projects that started easy but quickly turned...I'm not sure.  "Boring" doesn't feel like the right word, but it wasn't something that I rushed to finish--even though I really dislike setting an unfinished project aside to work on something else, this one got set aside for...three weeks...? while I worked on other things (thanks largely to doll friends, some of whom came over for the doll show, and some of whom sent Very Interesting Things, thanks so much!)

And all that was left were the waistband and hems, which I finally did today (after sorting and organizing and, most importantly, putting away a load of doll stuff.)
 My massive laziness on the waistband was not consulting anything but vague memories about the length of elastic needed and just grabbing a bit that was already somewhere in the approximation of the correct length.  It will, y'know, stretch.

It did, though, gather the back so much that the pockets were wrapping around to the back when it was clipped to the hanger, so I laid it out for the detail shots.

 (ended up with a bit of a convocation of frogs around this pocket.)

Despite the way it droops off the hanger,  the hems do align nicely when everything is laid out flat.

 The inside is a mess, but it's a finished mess.

And now that they're finished, it's forecast to be too-cool-for-shorts temperatures for the next week.  He'll wear them someday.

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