Granted, most of what I sew for dolls involves at least a little deviation from the patterns I use, varying all the way to "Pattern? For this? Pfft."
But this one
This one was a combination of an on-the-fly alteration of an existing pattern for the bodice, complete improvisation for the skirt (albeit based on the idea of a 1983 Barbie dress), being inspired by a Japanese doll magazine project for the head band (the cover project on Dollybird vol 15), and making a video of the whole dress-making process
It's an hour and 40 minutes long, as I share my rambling thoughts about (almost) every decision made and technique used. My long doll videos are always intended as background noise that other doll people can play to keep them company while they do their own hobby things--if I can share any sewing tips that anyone else can use, that's a bonus.